Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Organic Toothpaste: Made at home, easy peasy.

This is so easy to make and customize, you're going to wonder why you didn't start making your own toothpaste sooner.
 I mean really, who wants to put neurotoxic ingredients like fluoride in their babies bodies? Especially the little ones that swallow all of it!? Even ingredients like glycerine, synthetic foaming agents, dyes, fake sugars, preservatives etc are not things any of us should be ingesting.
Especially not children.

So here is my easy peasy toothpaste recipe. Try it. There will be an adjustment period but you won't be disappointed.

3 Tbls Organic coconut oil (Tropical Traditions Gold Label is my personal favorite.)

4 Tbls Aluminum free baking soda

That's the base. Told ya it was easy!

Optional ingredients are 20-25 drops essential oils such as peppermint, wintergreen, clove, oregano and so on. Just made sure these are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) oils such as those sold through doTERRA.

For strengthening teeth you can add ionic minerals and/or bentonite clay. Again, just make sure these are pure products. I call companies directly when in doubt.

If you need your toothpaste a bit sweeter you can add a few drops of organic green stevia liquid. A pure and natural sweetener from the stevia plant.

I like mine a little grittier so I add a Tbls of pink Himalayin sea salt.

Store in a lead free glass jar with tight fitting lid.

So that's it folks. Easy peasy homemade organic toothpaste.

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